Mag. Julia Kotanko
Legal associate
Julia Kotanko is an associate and specialises in gaming and betting law. In 2021, she co-authored the new legal commentary on the Gaming Act with selected betting law issues.
2020 Bar Exam
2015 Karl Franzens University Graz (Mag. iur.)
Since 2018 Associate with Dr. Christian Rapani
2016/2017 Associate at a law firm in Graz
2015/2016 Court practice in the district of the High State Court of Graz
Rapani/Kotanko, Online-Wetten in Österreich – Höchstgerichtliche Judikatur und Lösungsansätze, ZfWG 2023, 499.
Rapani/Kotanko, The Legal 500 Country Comparative Guides (2023), Austria Gambling Law.
Rapani/Kotanko, IMGL Magazine (2023), Landmark decisions of Austrian courts in 2023.
Rapani/Kotanko, TIME Law News (2023), Glücksspielrechtliche Beurteilung von Lootboxen in Österreich.
Rapani/Kotanko in Carl Rohsler (Hrsg), The Gambling Law Review7 (2022) Austria.
Rapani/Kotanko, Kommentierung der §§ 1-4 GSpG sowie Online Wetten in Zillner (Hrsg), Kommentar zum Glücksspielgesetz (2021).
Rapani/Kotanko in Carl Rohsler (Hrsg), The Gambling Law Review6 (2021) Austria.
Rapani/Kotanko in Carl Rohsler (Hrsg), The Gambling Law Review5 (2020) Austria.
Rapani/Kotanko/Sallegger, eSport in Österreich – besteht Regelungsbedarf?, ZfWG 2020, 13.
Rapani/Kotanko in Carl Rohsler (Hrsg), The Gambling Law Review4 (2019) Austria.
Rapani/Kotanko, Austrian Online Gaming – Status Quo and Outlook, American Gaming Lawyer (2018).
OSWV Fachkongress (2023), Update Online-Wetten, Anif.
OSWV Fachkongress (2022), Online-Wetten – Bewilligungspflicht bei nationalen und grenzüberschreitenden Sachverhalten, Anif.
VOX ICE (2020), World Regulatory Briefing: Roundtable Austria, London.
Mare Balticum Gaming Summit (2019), Compliance Panel Discussion: Gambling industry updates from the DACH region, Vilnius.
German, English.