Dr. Christian Rapani
Attorney at law
Christian Rapani founded his law firm in 2013, specialising in corporate and company law as well as gaming and betting law. Christian Rapani is the author of numerous publications in these practice areas. He has extensive experience in advising national and international clients in all areas of commercial law. One of his main areas of expertise is gaming and betting law. He assists with licensing procedures and advises clients on national regulatory requirements and developments affecting their business activities.

2012 Bar Exam
2009 Karl Franzens University Graz (Dr. iur.)
2004 Karl Franzens University Graz and Università di Roma „La Sapienza“ (Mag. iur.)
since 2013 Attorney-at-law
2009 – 2013 Associate at a commercial law firm in Graz
2007 – 2009 Assistant professor at the Institute for Austrian and International Corporate and Business Law at the Karl-Franzens-University Graz
2007 – 2009 Research assistant at a commercial law firm in Graz
2005 Court practice in the district of the High State Court of Graz
Rapani/Kotanko, Online-Wetten in Österreich – Höchstgerichtliche Judikatur und Lösungsansätze, ZfWG 2023, 499.
Rapani/Kotanko, The Legal 500 Country Comparative Guides (2023), Austria Gambling Law.
Rapani/Kotanko, IMGL Magazine (2023), Landmark decisions of Austrian courts in 2023.
Rapani/Kotanko, TIME Law News (2023), Glücksspielrechtliche Beurteilung von Lootboxen in Österreich.
Rapani/Kotanko in Carl Rohsler (Hrsg), The Gambling Law Review7 (2022) Austria.
Petschinka/Rapani, Jugendschutz bei Computerspielen, Medien und Recht 2021, 355.
Rapani/Kotanko, Kommentierung der §§ 1-4 GSpG sowie Online Wetten in Zillner (Hrsg), Kommentar zum Glücksspielgesetz (2021).
Rapani/Kotanko in Carl Rohsler (Hrsg), The Gambling Law Review6 (2021) Austria.
Rapani/Kotanko in Carl Rohsler (Hrsg), The Gambling Law Review5 (2020) Austria.
Rapani/Kotanko/Sallegger, eSport in Österreich – besteht Regelungsbedarf?, ZfWG 2020, 13.
Rapani/Kotanko in Carl Rohsler (Hrsg), The Gambling Law Review4 (2019) Austria.
Rapani/Kotanko, Austrian Online Gaming – Status Quo and Outlook, American Gaming Lawyer (2018).
Rapani/Pichler, Kommentierung der §§ 73 – 76 WAG 2007 in Brandl/Saria (Hrsg), Kommentar zum Wertpapieraufsichtsgesetz (Loseblatt 2018).
Rapani, Kommentierung der §§ 75 – 78 WAG 2007 in Brandl/Saria (Hrsg), Kommentar zum Wertpapieraufsichtsgesetz (Loseblatt 2015).
Rapani, Haftung der Depotbank in Folge der Durchbrechung des Pflichtenregimes des § 27 WAG, in FS Jud (2012) 513.
Isola/Rapani, Kommentierung der §§ 75 – 89 WAG 2007 in Brandl/Saria (Hrsg), Kommentar zum Wertpapieraufsichtsgesetz 2. Aufl. (2010).
Rapani, Cash Pooling und Gruppenbesteuerung, RWZ 2008, 249.
Rapani/Isola, Steuerberater und Abschlussprüfer – „Beauftragte“ und damit unmittelbare Täter des § 122 GmbHG und des § 255 AktG?, RWZ 2008, 151.
Isola/Rapani, Kommentierung des § 9 und der §§ 75 – 89 WAG 2007 in Brandl/Saria (Hrsg), Kommentar zum Wertpapieraufsichtsgesetz (2007).
Niesner/Rapani, Ausweg aus dem Insolvenzdilemma?, Der Standard 28.11.2007.
OSWV Fachkongress (2023), Update Online-Wetten, Anif.
Sportwettenakademie (2023), Betting on eSports, Wien.
CasinoBeats (2023), IMGL Masterclass – Marketing regulated gambling products in the face of advancing restrictions, Malta.
imh 16. Austrian Gaming & Betting Conference (2023), Differenz von Glück- und Wettspiel: Was macht den Unterschied?, Wien.
Prague Gaming & Tech Summit (2023), Gambling Industry Spotlight: DACH, Prag.
SiGMA (2022), Player claims galore in Austria and Germany: a miscarriage of justice?, Malta.
OSWV Fachkongress (2022), Online-Wetten – Bewilligungspflicht bei nationalen und grenzüberschreitenden Sachverhalten, Anif.
Sportwettenakademie (2022), Betting on eSports, Wien.
Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz (2022), Legal Aspects regarding eSports, Graz.
CasinoBeats (2022), IMGL Masterclass – Taming the Wild West of advertising – is gaming still the villain?, Malta.
imh 15. Austrian Gaming & Betting Conference (2022), Spielerklagen aktuell: Wie geht es weiter?, Wien.
SiGMA (2021), Player claims for losses on the increase: What steps can operators take to minimise exposure?, Malta.
OSWV Fachkongress (2021), Betting on eSports, Anif.
VOX ICE (2020), World Regulatory Briefing: Roundtable Austria, London.
SiGMA (2019), Sports, ESports and Peer-to Peer Gaming, Malta.
European Gaming Congress (2019), D-A-CH Regional Update, Milan.
Prague Gaming Summit (2019), DACH market industry trends, Prag.
Rapani Open #3 (2023), The LOL Tournament in cooperation with CGC Consulting and Austrian Force.
Rapani Open #2 (2021), The LOL Tournament in cooperation with CGC Consulting and Austrian Force.
Rapani Open (2020), The LOL Tournament in cooperation with CGC Consulting and Austrian Force.
German, English, Italian.
Styrian Bar Association
IMGL – International Masters of Gaming Law, General Member
IAGA – International Association of Gaming Advisors
EBA – Member of the Esports Bar Association
FeSR – Associated Researcher at the Research Center for eSports Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Augsburg ate